
Audio Forge

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In this page, you will find information on how to use Audio Forge.


<- back to doc root The Anvil screen allows you to play Music and Ambiance categories. Play Music Tapping the icons will play a category. The music files will be shuffled. You can alswo swipe over the wheel to show a tooltip that will display the name of the category. Release to select the category. Only one Music category can be enabled at the same time. Play Ambiances It’s the same as Music, except you can play multiple ambiances.


<- back to doc root The Echoes screen allows you to play one-shot sounds. Play a sound Tapping an element of the Echo screen will play a random sound of that category. Long-pressing the element will start playing the sounds of the category in the background, with a random pause between each sound (min-max time can be configured in the Toolbox). Customizable layout Grid In the Grid layout, you can set the size of the tiles using the slider.


<- back to doc root The Toolbox screen allows you to configure your categories. Music Toolbox Any category displayed here will be available in the Anvil screen, as long as it contains files. If you want to hide categories from the Anvil screen, tap the Anvil icon. You can tap the “+” button to add a new category. Enter the category name. By default the category will shuffle the tracks. Tapping the Shuffle icon will enable the “Single file loop” mode, in which case a random file will play in loop mode.


<- back to doc root Conversion settings Audio Forge can convert .wav files that you add to .ogg (Android only) or .mp3. Libraries You can have multiple libraries. Each library is an entirely different set of categories and files. You can create, rename, delete or export (share) a library. One exported, you can either save locally or share the .zip library file. It contains all your user-created files and all your categories.


<- back to doc root Pack management You can install/uninstall the packs into your current library from the Store.